Virtue in Public Life. RSVP

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Our Mission

Faith and Law's mission is to encourage and equip Christian policy-makers to more fully understand the Biblical worldview and its implication in their calling to the public square.

Our mission has stood the test of time. Participants have gone on to become Members of Congress, a governor, U.S. Cabinet Members, journalists, and CEOs. We want to continue to impact policy-makers and help shape future leaders.

Our Values


We take the integration of our work and faith very seriously, carefully considering public policy issues both biblically and intellectually, valuing Kingdom above political party.


We do not pretend to have all the answers, but seek to create an environment where Christians can intellectually and spiritually consider solutions to complex domestic and global issues.


Faith and Law offers the opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to gather together, putting aside their party divisions for a time, to find common ground, learn from each other, and develop lasting friendships amongst fellow Christians.


We are not afraid to discuss the most pertinent and difficult issues of our day, thereby better equipping Members of Congress and Hill staffers to integrate their faith in their daily policy decisions.

The Charles Colson Award for Public Service

This award is given to those who exemplify what it means to be a Christian working in the public square, integrating a biblical worldview with their service to our nation.

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It’s helped spark ideas that I take back to our legislative team and talk through.
Hill Staffer
F&L has facilitated my ability to create a network of like minded believers who can serve as a sounding board for ideas and can help move those ideas forward. F&L is not just a place to go hear lectures (and get free food) and learn about an issue; it's also a place to meet people with whom you can work cooperatively toward common goals.
Agency Staffer
I would absolutely say that F&L has brought a unique display of community and connection to the Hill, along with an invaluable sense of knowledge and experience to young staffers that wouldn’t otherwise be here if it weren’t for F&L.
Hill Staffer