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Integrating Faith and a Vocation in Public Policy

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Intellectually Rigorous, Theologically Faithful

We are a community of congressional staffers and Members of Congress that meet regularly to think deeply about how our faith informs and impacts our calling to the public square.

Upcoming Events

Senate Reading Group

Reading Groups

Senate Reading Group Christianity and Political Competence

Benjamin Storey

Learning to Disagree


Learning to Disagree Practical Advice for Polarized Times

John Inazu

Cultural Renewal

Friday Forums

Cultural Renewal

Baroness Philippa Stroud


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Thanks, finally, for all you all do at Faith & Law. Beyond the thought-provoking content you all provide to staffers and beyond, it’s the hospitality that lends your community power.
Anne Snyder Editor-in-Chief, Comment Magazine
Faith and Law has been an immense encouragement for us as staff to set aside dividing party labels and to come together under one common purpose of making Christ’s name known through our work here on the Hill.
Hill Staffer
Faith and Law has been an invaluable resource for my professional and spiritual growth. Through Faith and Law's lectures and discussions, I have learned how to apply my faith to thorny policy issues and developed key relational ties with fellow believers on the Hill.
Senate Staffer