Virtue in Public Life. RSVP

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Friday Forums

The Pitfalls of a Political Faith

562 Dirksen Senate Office Building
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James Forsyth, senior pastor of McLean Presbyterian Church, will examine John 6:26, where Jesus exposed the political motivation of the crowd who followed him. He'll ask key questions, such as, "How did the crowd's political vision for Jesus keep them from truly seeing him? In what ways can our politics distort our view of Jesus? What does it look like to pursue Jesus because he is an end in himself, not a means to other things?" We hope you can join us for what I believe will be an important discussion in the lives of those who work in politics and policy.

James is the Senior Pastor of McLean Presbyterian Church, located just outside of Washington, D.C. He grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he graduated from the University of Edinburgh, before moving to the U.S. to study at Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS), Jackson. He is now a Guest Professor of Practical Theology at RTS Washington, D.C.James is married to his high school sweetheart, Rosie, and is dad to Mia, Caleb, Seamus, and Isla. Formative experiences have included growing up in a strong, yet tender, family, being a college athlete, becoming a father at the age of 19, wrestling through a dark season of anxiety, and being shaped by a handful of key mentors. Throughout, God’s grace has been the theme – a theme that now animates his life and ministry.

In his free time, you might find James CrossFitting, supporting Man Utd., laughing too loudly with friends, grilling, playing guitar, or – at his happiest – enjoying his young family.